Fivatier, description et équipements
Location de Fivatier, photos
Location de Fivatier, tarifs et disponibilités
Retour à l'accueil de Plinguet

Fivatier, hiring house for 4 to 6 people


The prices are in Euro, all fees and taxes included.
Sheets and feather covers are provided.
The hirings are made from Saturday at Saturday.
An account of 25% of the price of the hiring has to be sent at the time of the reservation.
A guarantee of 200 Euros will be requested at your arrival and will be restored the day of the departure.

Click here to see the details of the prices and availabilities by week in a new window (in french)

Our hiring was classified in the category 2 Stars (furnished with tourism) by the Prefecture of "Les Landes" in September 2004.

Lisette et Jean-Pierre LUCCHESI

Quartier Plinguet

F- 40170 Mézos - France

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